
Solution to the problem of blank screen boot laptop ACER

Solution to the problem of blank screen boot laptop ACER

My laptop second hand ACER 5930G was giving me problems sometimes at boot time or when turned on the screen after some time off; an unreadable image, appeared as graphics to vertical stripes of color all over the screen, and a little while stood in white:

It solved a down and up the screen again, but sometimes I had to do this several times until he recovered. After searching on the internet is apparently a bug of screen data cable, because when you think, if I toqueteo on the motherboard connection, recovers instantly. To access the connection only should remove the trim where is the power button by pulling slowly the:

Apparently it is a failure on this range of laptops ACER; cable for whatever not well connected, defective or suffers from interference. Seems to be on Ebay for sale not by much, so I think I buy it if the casual that do you not give result.
At the moment the solution is to put a piece of folded paper by pressing at the point where I've put the finger, so the lid slightly press the cable. So it seems that for the time being hold very well.

Update 25/06/14: me something enduring and at the time became the same thing; I have changed the cable going to the screen by one of Ebay and the problem has been solved finally