version 0.6
Recently I published an article that analyzed the advantages of using Linux instead of Windows. Now, to be neutral (I love Linux) I'm going to analyze the disadvantages, I hope that with all the necessary rigor; I hope your comments to improve this analysis:
- Difficulty:It is the largest and practically the only drawback if compared with the system currently most widely used Windows XP. Although using Linux is free (although you may also, not to be confused with free), this difficulty of use affects Linux at all levels, to a greater or lesser extent. I will name the most important ones:
To take into account:
-Obviously if Linux would have enjoyed since the beginning of the popularity of Windows, would not have any of these problems (Windows has enjoyed having millions of beta testers).
-This analysis is based on the basis of non-use of the command window, so although we can be much more productive using it as a Windows user, the user homespun does not have the skills to take advantage of.
-Being that Windows XP is the system most widely used today, I have not taken into account all the other versions.
-Compare operating systems is like comparing cars; you could say that Windows XP is the "utility basic" Although something expensive that any handles, and a Linux distribution is the "off-road" of second hand with engine and steering wheel of Formula 1, powerful but not all dominate the first.
-Linux you can download and install free, so should we say "a gift horse...". In addition, using it, participating in their development communicating bugs, purchasing programs, helping other initiates, do not you contribute to make this world a better place?
-Windows has always used the tactic "become a popular no matter what" (among many others) charging companies and facilitating piracy with discs without protection of any kind (a password of several digits and vale, did not need more; the companies would pay equal).
Each brand is a property of its respective owner.
- Difficulty:It is the largest and practically the only drawback if compared with the system currently most widely used Windows XP. Although using Linux is free (although you may also, not to be confused with free), this difficulty of use affects Linux at all levels, to a greater or lesser extent. I will name the most important ones:
- Install programs: generally it is not as simple as 'download and click', since many open source programs tend to use the linux system libraries, so you have to download a package that works for your distribution. It must be said that this is improving every day and every time the installable are standardized more so that you can create programs that are installed on all distributions without user intervention. Sometimes it is even simpler than Windows because either is already included in your favorite distribution or is supported by it, so it only can be found in the installation utility programs that often include.
- Drivers: not to be more implanted system, are who worried about a few million users?, components for computer manufacturers generally do not produce their drivers for Linux, or if they do, do not have the quality of those that exist for Windows. In addition, due to the constant evolution of the kernel Linux (which is responsible for this task) are necessary continuous revisions. This trend is changing, and some manufacturers (such as Intel, Ralink, Via, AMD) are facilitating the development of open source operating specifications drivers either developing them as code open themselves. On occasions there search in internet driver for a particular device linux because it is not included by default in the kernel, either by its license, either by being very recent.
- Sales support: this is not very important to users, but to the companies, who need trained people who keep their servers and computers with Linux. Besides, until it does not implant more forcefully in the companies, over all in the computers of users (on the servers is already very present), not much interest to users since not called for in the world of work. It must also add that this is changing gradually according to the interest in Linux is on the rise.
- Absent programs: for linux there is everything, and anything you do with Windows will have programs on Linux allowing you to do it, but not all commercial Windows programs are available for Linux (e.g. Autocad, Photoshop, Office, etc). But this is relieved in part because we have Wine to have the best of both worlds, allowing us to install programs as good as uTorrent as if it were Windows. However today the amount of software available for Windows is breathtaking, although this trend will change as you increase the percentage of Linux users.
- Quality programmes: Although this improves every day (and faster than on Windows), it must be said that many programs do not have the quality and degree of purification of its namesakes of Windows, due, in part, that Linux does not has the advantage of Windows have thousands of users who communicate failures.
- Upload speed: due to the design of Linux programs takes more in charge than in Windows, at least the first time you open them, although this also is trying to minimize.
- Optimization: Linux is built from scratch to make it the more easy to maintain and useful as possible; Thanks to it you can use it on almost any device, from mp3 to supercomputers. However not being especially adapted to a specific type of architecture sometimes is lost some speed on the road (only programmed routines of the nucleus in assembler there where it is essential for good performance). However, unlike Windows we can optimize our system for our computer in particular, returning to recompile programs most used (such as the core) with optimizations that take advantage of its features, although this is only available to the most advanced users.
- Power: to be a more complex system and technologically superior to Windows (in addition to other reasons such as the one mentioned above), so far required a more powerful machine than required by Windows to achieve the same usability. Although there is always the option of using light program with fast desktops and beautiful as Enlightment, they are not as refined or offer as much utility for the average as a system user using Windows. However, this trend has changed dramatically with the new Windows Vista;-).
To take into account:
-Obviously if Linux would have enjoyed since the beginning of the popularity of Windows, would not have any of these problems (Windows has enjoyed having millions of beta testers).
-This analysis is based on the basis of non-use of the command window, so although we can be much more productive using it as a Windows user, the user homespun does not have the skills to take advantage of.
-Being that Windows XP is the system most widely used today, I have not taken into account all the other versions.
-Compare operating systems is like comparing cars; you could say that Windows XP is the "utility basic" Although something expensive that any handles, and a Linux distribution is the "off-road" of second hand with engine and steering wheel of Formula 1, powerful but not all dominate the first.
-Linux you can download and install free, so should we say "a gift horse...". In addition, using it, participating in their development communicating bugs, purchasing programs, helping other initiates, do not you contribute to make this world a better place?
-Windows has always used the tactic "become a popular no matter what" (among many others) charging companies and facilitating piracy with discs without protection of any kind (a password of several digits and vale, did not need more; the companies would pay equal).
Each brand is a property of its respective owner.