Install Windows 7 on a laptop Acer Aspire 1690 or 1692LMi
Windows 7 is currently the best Microsoft operating system, speed, safety and compatibility, being as fast as XP on computers that have sufficient memory (recommended 2 GB of RAM), on computers with little RAM is highly recommended to install the Starter version, which occupies less.
But to install it in old equipment, as the laptop of ACER Aspire, you have to look for life with the drivers because some are not directly available on the website of the manufacturer of the computer.
The first thing we need to do is to check if some drivers, although they do not come with the Windows 7 DVD, may be online, for example on the Aspire 1692LMi both the infrared irDa port and the sound we have available if we give automatic driver search.
Depending on your computer, we will have to find available compatible drivers, usually those who are for Windows Vista will operate without problems in Windows 7.
Installing drivers Aspire 1692LMi step by step:
- For the Wifi have to unzip and run this file in administrator mode, and although it give error, re-boot automatically there will be recognized the built-in Wifi card. If it is not yet installed, installing all the updates of Windows recognize it.
- For card reader built-in, worth with the driver from the ATI website, here you have it available.
- For sound and infrared, as mentioned, give automatic search online, or install all the updates and will be automatically installed.
- To install the video card ATI Radeon Mobitily X 700, there is that download and unzip this file of several old Mobility controllers, the "9-11_legacy_7_vista_32-64_dd_ccc_mobility", for example in C: /, and then proceed to install the .inf from the C:\ATI\Support\9-11_legacy_vista32-64_dd_ccc\Packages\Drivers\Display\LH_INF folder manually:
How to install a driver manually in Windows 7
Within the administrator of devices, right click and "Update driver" |
Select 'Search for driver in team' |
We indicate "Choose from a list of drivers in the team" |
Select "Use disk", and give it to examine |
We are looking for in the folder where you have unzipped the driver the.Appropriate INF |
Show compatible hardware (if we have the option enabled), letting us know that it is not signed |
We ignore the warning and installed the driver of all forms |