Isolation of applied polycarbonate window |
Already discussed in this entry of the virtues and multiple uses of polycarbonate cell, very appropriate because its form of network makes it more resistant to create small air chambers that increase insulation. Here's a catalogue Resopal.
You only need to buy a piece of 5 mm. thickness (or which consider more appropriate) and cut it according to the measurements of our crystals, then paste the pieces with silicone.
Materials required: jig saw wood saw, table work, ruler, metro, gun (more appropriate color) silicone silicone, latex gloves for working with silica (and some pieces of toilet paper to clean oil residue) and a piece of polycarbonate of the size needed.
With the help of a ruler or similar Mark cuts visible crystals custom; We can use an indelible marker pen (both sides come with a sheet of protective plastic thing to remember to remove):
The orientation of the Court is to taste, depending on if you like more lines vertical or horizontal; I cut so that it could better use the iron:
This is how the horizontal pieces are:
And once generously applied the Brown silicone to prevent that they penetrate some Jamón within any of the cells (everything between the passage of the light will be there making):
Large window part I have placed it on the outside, outdoors, with a wood to hold it in place, but would have been better inside, like the rest, well outside is often dirty and glass resists perfectly frequent cleanings; polycarbonate admits not corrosive liquids or alcohol as it can whiten or can damage its coating of UV protection:
We will by placing tailored to the hollow rectangles, and by carefully pulling a line of silicone on all around.
To apply the silicone ideally do so with an inclination; cut the nozzle with the required width and generously apply the silicone so to pass over in a continuous motion, we oprimamos it on your website and it is the oddest and best attached. Also, if we do not give us sufficient mana, can fix it with your finger (use a latex glove). Here's a good explanation.
And this is the result; the view from the street (a greenhouse and a tree) fades fairly, but we can always open the window;). I hope that the result obtained; liked increasing much more heat and sound insulation. see you soon!!