Ventilate the XBOX 360
Returning to improve the ventilation of the Xbox, in the end I decided by removing part of the filters and put a fan directly above the graphics and CPU heat sink.
Filters do a good job holding the dust, but slow down the passage of air, and according to this dirty will be worse, so I decided the best thing to do is to ensure good ventilation.
Filters do a good job holding the dust, but slow down the passage of air, and according to this dirty will be worse, so I decided the best thing to do is to ensure good ventilation.
I have only left side filters. Also now you can see between the blades of the fan heatsinks, so if it is full of dust you can check easily and clean it by loosening the lid.
I have also placed a piece of paper to distribute step air and make sure that the graph is properly cooled.
And so is the cable inside.
However this mod will not ensure to not leave you the 3LR (three red lights ;-)), the next thing I'm gonna do (God!, how I like to change things!) it is to replace the GPU heatsink with a larger, and put the reader was lengthening cables, and two fans, one on each CPU taking heat from above, as it should be factory. That and a digital temperature probe will be sufficient to ensure that it lasts.