1 - Keep the relaxed view. The screen is completely flat, and the image not flashing (regardless of the refresh rate) by keeping the relaxed view after many hours.
2 - Zero radiation. Extended electromagnetic radiation are suspected that they can cause cancer, although not shown.
3 – Consume three times less energy, so the difference in price is amortized over the years. Example:
2 - Zero radiation. Extended electromagnetic radiation are suspected that they can cause cancer, although not shown.
3 – Consume three times less energy, so the difference in price is amortized over the years. Example:
Consumption 17 '' TFT: 25W/h after 10 years 8 hour business days:
25x10x8x220 days = 440.000-0.1 €/ KWh = €44
Consumption 17 '' tube: 70W/h in the same conditions:
70x10x8x220 days = 1.232.000-0.1 €/ KWh = €123.2
4 - The space occupied on the table in 10 times less.
5 - Durability is greater, to operate with fewer components susceptible to failure (multiplier, transformers, etc).
6 - To generate less heat the air conditioners in summer reduces its consumption, that do not have to remove the heat dissipated by the cathode ray tube screens.
5 - Durability is greater, to operate with fewer components susceptible to failure (multiplier, transformers, etc).
6 - To generate less heat the air conditioners in summer reduces its consumption, that do not have to remove the heat dissipated by the cathode ray tube screens.
7 - To contain less material, produces less e-waste.